Scroll down for further information and rules
Listen 1, Start here
Listen 2
Listen 3
Listen 4
Listen 5
Listen 6

You can download all 6 of the sound files by clicking below
- Android phones should be able to download the files.
- iPhones typically limit downloading options, so streaming will work better.
- Windows, Apple, and Linux personal computers can conveniently download the files.
- You can also access the tracks with Sound Cloud and One Drive by clicking on the links

- Bring a pair of headphones. Make sure they are compatible with the device you will download/stream sound on.
- There are two ways to listen- download the 6 audio tracks and create a playlist (preferred), OR stream them from the web site. (
- This is an internal exploratory experience designed for adults. Kids can participate, but due to the meditative nature of the music and performance, they might get bored.
- Expect to be in the experience for 10-25 minutes . You can go at whatever speed you choose. You control your experience by how fast you travel, how long you linger.
- We suggest you advance to the next track when you see signage instructing you to change. Listen and watch until you are full. Move on when you want to. The audio and the movement are not built with an end in mind.
- Joining the movers/movement is welcomed. Please do so in the spirit of what you are seeing, and do not try to interact with the performers.
- Water, bathrooms, and Wifi are available in Duncan Hall.
- The entire experience takes place on Ferry Street between 6th and 8th Streets.
- Be respectful of other people’s experience.
- Don’t speak from start to finish. Listen.
- This is a solo experience. Keep your hands to yourself.
- Use headphones for the music. Please don’t use speakerphone.
- Stay on the sidewalk. Respect private property.
- Cross the road at the crosswalk only.
- Be safe, and look out for the safety of others.
- While you are in the experience, take no more than one photo.
DETOUR Artists:
Holly Jaycox and Nathan McWilliams
Credit and Much Thanks to:
Dancers: Andrew Brightman, Maryam Ghafoor, Teresa Kennelly, Jossy O’Donnell, Maggie Ogle, Lexi Petrucciani, Sara Satterly, Lane Terry
Support Staff: Dana Drenzek, Andres Felipe Llico Gallardo, Carolyn Szuter
Special Thanks:
Aura Emsweller and Duncan Hall, Bradley Pace and St. John’s Episcopal Church, Jenny Richardson and Steradian Laser Tag, TAF Gallery Walk